Tree Locator

Looking for a Christmas Tree farm or lot near you? Use the NCTA Real Christmas Tree Locator to find Christmas Tree retailers in your area.

How to find a tree farm or lot using the NCTA Real Christmas Tree Locator:

  1. Click on the link or the image above. The Google map will open in a new window. (note: if you are using a phone or tablet, you may need to set your browser to open map links in Safari or Chrome; your device may try to open the map in your default map application which will result in a map without any Christmas tree data.)

  2. Check any of the option(s) you are looking for. Options include: “Choose and Cut Tree Farms,” “Pre-cut Trees,” “Gift Shops,” “Hayrides and Sleigh Rides,” “Petting Zoos,” “Santa Visits,” and “School Tours.”

  3. You can browse the map by zooming and panning. You can also click on the Magnifying Glass icon at the top of the window to search for a farm by name or a location.

  4. Click on one of the icons on the map to see information about a specific tree farm.

  5. Click on the right turn street sign next to the name of a farm or lot in the red bar on the left to open Google Maps and get turn-by-turn directions to that location.